Game Board

May, 2007

The rule exists as a social given, like language, that precedes our presence and conditions our participation as the horizon of social legibility. Apprehension of convention in this manner, as fixed and immutable, suspends us in the place of the other, somehow outside of the history of consensus-making, and outside of the political, and therefore, merely subject to it. To be an agent in history requires a willingness to negotiate the rules for oneself.

The Rules

  • Here is a board where the rules are written.
    • In a turn you may change a rule on the board.
    • In a turn, you may write a rule on the board.
    • In a turn you may erase a rule from the board.
    • In a turn you may follow a rule on the board.
  • Take a turn.

(Experiential Structure [inhabitable | executable])