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British Prime Minister Gordon Brown apologized for the treatment of Alan Turing and praised his contributions to the defeat of Fascism through breaking the German Enigma code.

September, 2009

The parametric sublime is an aspect of the mathematical sublime. Computation operationalizes the contradiction between the symbolic specificity of a parametric system and the infinitude of its possible instantiations. And while the profundity of remarking on this contradiction may seem to decline as the wonder of thinking machines wears off, that they reproduce the trick we manage and find pleasure in–containing the infinite in the finite–will in some way always be that from which digital art derives its impact and its effects. 


A particular figure of absence seems to possess a suspicious connotative efficacy in its deployment within language and as a visual figure. What is at stake in the use of the empty square? A clue to answering lies in the relation of two series which can be used to describe the mechanisms of computation. These are: the series of creation, including invention, birth, production, etc.; and the series of rule, including conditionality, boundary, possibility, etc. The two series are clearly gendered opposites that correlate with Oedipal principles.


The ideational threads that weave their way through this list summarize the obsessions that motivated my work during the five previous years. There is a trajectory here: from a concern for the abstract, theoretical underpinnings of computer technology, to the intertwining of technical and cultural logics in the lives and politics of the people who create and use computers.


Thus Arriving At The Possibility Of Computation. The invention of the computer is traced to what came to be called the Turing Machine after the author of the 1936 paper “On Computable Numbers, With an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” in which it was proposed. The tragic life of the Alan Turing is here figured as an embodiment of his invention

May, 2004