Instantiations #4 & #5 (The Tweens)

January, 2003

Because these curves have a kind of double ontology–they exist as figures, i.e. lines with a certain shape that can be drawn on screen or printed out on paper, and as a set of parameters within a complex parametric equation, i.e. a set of constitutive numbers, not unlike genetic material, from which they can be generated–they have specific manipulable properties. One of these is the ability to measure and interpolate the distance between any pair or set of figures.

In animation, interpolation between two states of a figure is called a "tween" and it is an important way that effects like movement are created. In these pieces, each figure is considered as a state of a system between which any number of intermediary figures can be calculated. The effect is that each figure is seen to transform into another.

inkjet on matte paper
9 series of tweens from one curve to another.

inkjet on matte paper
A 6 by 20 two-dimensional tween from 4 origin curves.