
Black and White Atrocity

I continue to question the ethics of representing atrocity and the ironic dissipation of the moral force of images of atrocity within the society of the spectacle.

In \a\ Place of Small Crows

I was compelled to return to images from Abu Ghraib so long after the revelations of 2004 as much for what had happened as because of what had not happened in since.

This work is a book in two volumes containing the processed photos of the corpus originally released in 2004.

Every Pixel Screaming

This video is derived from the archive of torture videos that came out of Abu Ghraib. By writing software that sonifies the otherwise silent frames of video, the work attempts to question the silence which has left the victims of these atrocities without justice or redress.

The visual aspect derives from the rearangement of the pixels by a color ordering algorithm.


The stochastic photo algorithm I developed for use with the pen plotter was put to work here to animate an image of me speaking before the camera. As usual, I am concerned with my relation to the moment, and in a more general way, how it is that artists negotiate a triangulation between participation and criticality towards the trends of the day.

Britain Apologizes for Castrating Alan Turing

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown apologized for the treatment of Alan Turing and praised his contributions to the defeat of Fascism through breaking the German Enigma code.

Published in Vague Terrain

My Inscription of the Girly Man piece was published in the online journal Vaugue Terrain this month (January 2009). The journal included my essay "The Language of Machines."

Abu Ghraib

The infamous photos of Abu Ghraib came to light in 2004. Now, four years later, we are still debating the ethics of torture, and are still apparently unable to really process the contents of the images we received from the American dungeons of Iraq.

Journal of American Thought Crime

The question of what it is possible to think under the current regime of the United States, and what it might be possible to think sheltered from the threat of government surveillance is the journal's main concern. The Journal of American Thought Crime distributes a literary magazine in the form of an encrypted mailing list.

2008 State of the Union Address Analyzed

President George W. Bush's final State of the Union address will be analyzed as well as televised thanks to the State of the Union website, a software art project by Brad Borevitz. The address is scheduled to be delivered to Congress and the American people by the President on January 28th. Within an hour after the text of the speech is released, visitors to the website at http://stateoftheunion.onetwothree.net will be able to see the results.

Inscription of the Girly Man: The Politics of Stupidity in the Age of Intelligent Machines

This set of texts constitute the catalog for the installation "Inscription of the Girly Man." It's essays cover topics which range from language and machines, to the function of material metaphor in art, and finally to the vagaries of contemporary political rhetoric.